Michigan’s Premier Legal and Business Services


Posted in On September 22, 2021

A Simple Plan to Regain Financial Fitness

Most of us are not financially fit. We are not completely aware of how our money is being spent. We have too much debt and spend money on the wrong things. While it can be challenging to turn things around, it’s well within your reach. There…

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Posted in On September 15, 2021

12 Money Saving Tips in the Home

Whether you are saving for a house deposit, or perhaps something a little smaller, there are things that you can do at home to save money. Try these tips and watch your savings grow:  1. Make a shopping list. How many times have you gone to the…

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Posted in On September 8, 2021

Top Reasons To Revise Your Will

Perhaps you, like many others, believe that once your will has been drawn up, that is the end of the process. While wills have never been anyone’s idea of fun, it’s important to review your will on a regular basis. There are many reasons to pull…

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Posted in On September 1, 2021

The Financial Implications of Adopting A Partner’s Child

Adopting a step-child is an extremely special decision a step-parent can make. This decision shouldn’t be made lightly, though. The financial responsibilities that come with adopting a child should be taken into consideration and planned out before jumping in. Keep these points in mind about…

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