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Child Custody Lawyer in Hopkins, MI

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Reading this and feeling overwhelmed by facing a child custody issue? Legacy Legal & Business Services PLC in Hopkins, MI, is here to help you through what might be the most emotionally trying experience you can undergo.

Having to face legal action can riddle you with uncertainty and anxiety, but dealing with a child custody issue is even more so. It’s only understandable. Your most precious relationship — the one with your children — is in jeopardy. Not knowing the future of your family or how it will look is perhaps the most heartbreaking ordeal a parent can go through.

Since this is such a difficult time to begin with, don’t make things more challenging for yourself. court and learn the ins and outs of child custody mediation law, show up to court, and present an argument that is both legally sound and convincing is the last thing you need to be worried about when much more important things are at risk. Enjoy every moment with your child while you know you still can.

Legacy Legal & Business Services PLC prides itself on being a beacon of hope for you if you’re in this situation. Led by child custody dispute attorney Margaret L. Webb, we fuse a rich background of experience and a deep sense of compassion in our unwavering dedication to helping you find the resolution and peace of mind in the midst of uncertainty from your child custody case. We are committed to the well-being and defending the best interests of you and your children throughout Hopkins, MI, and beyond.

What Is Child Custody Law?

You’ve likely heard the terminology before, but it’s worthwhile to briefly explain child custody law. Child custody law is essentially a legal framework that governs the rights and responsibilities of parents or legal guardians, namely over things such as the care, custody, and control of their children. A little more specifically, these laws address issues related to where the child will live, how visitation will be conducted, and how decisions pertaining to the following will be made and carried out:

  • Education.
  • Healthcare.
  • General upbringing.

Given the nature of the circumstances that typically precede issues that result in child custody cases, disputes are incredibly common. Child custody laws also govern how these disputes are to be handled and resolved.

How Do I Know If My Situation Falls Under Child Custody?

Child custody laws vary by jurisdiction, naturally, but it’s safe to say that regardless of the specific location, they aim to serve the best interest of the child in question. Whether your situation falls under child custody can generally be determined by whether it concerns any of the following issues:

Legal Custody

Legal custody is a technical, legal status of the individual(s) that have the authority to make important decisions concerning the child and their upbringing. As mentioned earlier, this generally includes things like education, healthcare, and their general upbringing.

Physical Custody

This refers to where the child resides. Like legal custody, this can be shared or sole. Shared custody usually entails the child spending roughly an equal amount of time with both parents separately. Sole custody is when the child resides with one parent.


These matters typically apply only in situations where the physical custody is that of one parent. Visitation, or parenting time, is basically the schedule the parents agree to where the non-custodial parent spends time with the child. If the parents cannot agree to a schedule, the court will determine one.

These schedules can vary considerably based on several factors and whatever the court finds to be aligned with the best interests of the child. Visitation can be modified under certain circumstances, and a child custody modification lawyer from Legacy Legal & Business Services PLC can help you navigate this process.

In more concrete terms, common catalysts for child custody cases include the following:

  • Divorce or separation
  • Child Welfare Cases
  • Relocation
  • Guardianship

Fight For Your Family Today with Help from our Hopkins, MI Child Custody Attorney

If you are facing a child custody issue, our experienced Hopkins, MI divorce attorney is here to help. Email us or call us at (616) 681-0100 today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can assist you in navigating this complex area of family law. From mediation and negotiation to litigation and advocacy, we are dedicated to protecting your rights and securing the best possible outcome for you and your child. Let us be your trusted ally during this challenging time.

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