Michigan’s Premier Legal and Business Services

Estate Planning Lawyer in Dorr, MI

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You don’t have to manage your legal affairs alone. By working with Legacy Legal & Business Services PLC, you will have access to the support you deserve.

Dealing with legal matters is often complicated and overwhelming. Not only are the procedures confusing, but they are also time-consuming and costly. Whether you are planning for the future of your estate or going through the probate process, having access to legal consultation is critical. Make sure you have the legal guidance you are entitled to by working with Legacy Legal & Business Services PLC.

With years of legal experience under her belt, Attorney Margaret Webb and her qualified team have helped countless individuals with estate planning and probate services across Michigan. Each situation is different, and our firm will tailor our legal services to your particular set of circumstances so that we can come up with an effective solution together. When it comes to your legal needs, Legacy Legal & Business Services PLC has you covered.

Estate Planning in Dorr, MI

Planning for the future of your estate involves a multitude of factors. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that your wishes are honored and that your loved ones are taken care of. By constructing an estate plan that considers all aspects of your legacy, we save you and your family time and money in the long run.

You deserve to have a say in what happens to your assets and property in the event of your death or incapacitation. Whether you are a senior or a young adult, establishing an estate plan gives you agency and control over your possessions in a legally binding way.

An expert estate planning lawyer can help you achieve your legal goals in a concise and efficient manner. From start to finish, an estate planning process lawyer will be an invaluable legal resource for both you and your loved ones. Whether you are filling out paperwork or drafting a will, your attorney has the expertise and knowledge to ensure that no mistakes are made – and that you are acting in your own best interests.

Attorney Margaret Webb will work with you one-on-one to construct an estate plan that reflects your instructions and wishes. With her immense experience in the area of law, she will provide you with all of the resources you need to proceed with confidence and clarity.

Probate Administration in Dorr, MI

Probate is a process that occurs when a will must be “proved” in court – or the administration of a deceased person’s estate that does not have a will at all. Probate can be a long and expensive process, and is often avoided by constructing an estate plan.

When a decedent leaves assets such as real estate, bank accounts, and financial investments to distribute, a probate lawyer will play an important role in ensuring that this process goes smoothly and swiftly. Obtaining a lawyer for administering the estate of a decedent will be instrumental in helping the legal procedures resolve with as little difficulty as possible.

Whether the deceased individual had a will or not, a probate process lawyer will interface with the court and family members to establish a plan of action that best suits the situation at hand. If you are residing in the Allegan County, Michigan area and are seeking to proceed with probate administration, Attorney Margaret Webb stands ready to offer her valued legal services to you and your loved ones.

What It Means To Choose Legacy Legal & Business Services PLC? 

Our distinct approach to estate planning and probate law will enable you to proceed with an informed understanding of your options and the best way to move forward.

From probate administration to estate planning, Legacy Legal & Business Services PLC will do everything necessary to ensure that you have the legal resources you need to move forward. Nobody should have to go through the legal process on their own. Our firm will stand with you every step of the way as you strive to resolve your legal issues.

When it comes to your legal well-being, don’t settle – choose Legacy Legal & Business Services PLC.

Get Started With A Proactive Legal Plan Today!

If you are residing in Allegan or Kent County, Michigan, and are in need of estate planning and/or probate services, please do not hesitate to contact our firm today for a free initial consultation.

Why Graduating 18-Year-Olds Should Get A Power Of Attorney

As high school graduation is upon us, many young adults are preparing to embark on new adventures, whether that means heading off to college, trade school, starting a job, or traveling the world. Amidst all the excitement, one crucial aspect often gets overlooked: legal preparations. Specifically, establishing a power of attorney (POA) can be an essential step for graduating 18-year-olds and their families.

The Importance of a Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a legal document that allows an individual (the “principal“) to appoint someone else (the “agent” or “attorney-in-fact”) to manage their financial and medical affairs if they are unable to do so themselves. For young adults turning 18, this becomes especially important because they are now legally considered adults. Parents or guardians no longer have the automatic right to make decisions on their behalf or access their financial or medical information. Here are some reasons you need a POA:

  1. Legal Autonomy: Upon turning 18, young adults gain full legal autonomy. This means that without a POA, parents cannot access their adult child’s bank accounts, medical records, or make decisions in an emergency. A POA ensures that trusted individuals can step in if necessary.
  2. Medical Emergencies: Accidents and illnesses can happen unexpectedly. If an 18-year-old is incapacitated and unable to make medical decisions, having a healthcare power of attorney allows a designated person to make crucial medical decisions on their behalf.
  3. Financial Management: Whether they are managing a student loan, handling a bank account, or dealing with other financial matters, a financial power of attorney ensures that someone can manage these responsibilities if the young adult is unable to do so.
  4. Education Decisions: In the context of college, if a student is incapacitated, having a POA can allow parents to make decisions related to their education, such as managing tuition payments or communicating with the institution about their welfare.
  5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that there is a trusted individual who can legally step in to handle critical matters provides peace of mind for both the young adult and their family. It ensures that in times of crisis, there is a clear plan in place.

Types of Power of Attorney

There are two primary types of POA that are particularly relevant for graduating 18-year-olds:

  1. Healthcare Power of Attorney: This allows the appointed agent to make medical decisions on the principal’s behalf if they are unable to do so. It is also beneficial to include a HIPAA release form, which permits healthcare providers to share medical information with the designated person.
  2. Financial Power of Attorney: This authorizes the agent to manage the principal’s financial affairs, including banking, paying bills, managing investments, and handling taxes.

How to Set Up a Power of Attorney in Dorr, MI

  1. Consult with an Attorney: While there are generic forms available online, it is advisable to consult with an attorney to ensure that the POA documents are tailored to the individual’s specific needs and comply with state laws.
  2. Discuss with Family: It is important for the young adult to discuss their wishes and decisions with their family. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and understands the responsibilities involved.
  3. Choose a Trusted Agent: The agent should be someone reliable and trustworthy, often a parent, close relative, or trusted friend. It is essential that the chosen agent understands and is willing to take on the responsibilities.
  4. Complete and Sign the Documents: After drafting the POA documents with an attorney, they must be signed, often in the presence of a notary public, to become legally binding.
  5. Distribute Copies: Ensure that the agent, the principal, and relevant institutions (such as banks or healthcare providers) have copies of the POA documents.

Please Contact Legacy Legal & Business Services PLC at (616) 681-0100 for your FREE initial consultation!

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